When the enemy offensive was stalled and the advantage regained, GDI High Command decided that the White House was to be the location of the final, most decisive battle … Cloaked 11 seconds (reload) The Tick tank’s unique Cooldown 0. Here is the crucible of an unprecedented form of power marked by extreme concentrations of knowledge and free from democratic oversight. This capability is especially critical when faced with an army of enemy stealth tanks or deal with an enemy Black Lotus that is capturing your structures. Defensive battle tank ARMOR: Tank WEAPON: None COST: 1400 This large troop transport can carry up to eight Red Guards and dispense them in an instant. the scorpion and stealth tanks make a return and are joined by the new spider tank. As I’ve been sharing with you over the past month via our Beta Patch updates, this Patch focuses on the following items: LAN Play. Then again, maybe they've commandeered a Stealth Tank's cloaking technology - among other devious devices - and . Found inside – These structures force their rivals to utilize stealth - detection units during base raids, which are generally not.