This is the only time I ever used a console command to cheat. I ended up breaking down and just giving myself one through the console after searching for the stupid thing forever. Near the end, it requires you to find this stupidly rare item that has like a 1/2000 chance of appearing in merchant inventories. Publicado originalmente por slayor3000:Wyrmstooth This is by no means a complete list (there may be others out there that I missed - I just did a very quick search of Nexus - also, I made this list some time back, as well), but it's a good start.

Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) by icecreamassassin - Īgent of Righteous Might by Kyung-Bum Lee - ĬONAN Hyborian Age by PROMETHEUS - (only Conan is custom voiced) The Forgotten City by Nick James Pearce. Helgen Reborn by Mike Hancho aka Balok.